Saturday, May 28, 2005

Notes on moles and bakeries

Food, more food

Chiles sometimes disagree with me, and every meal except breakfast has some kind of chiles. I love how they taste but they don't always love me the way I love them

There are molinas, or mills, all over the place that make mole and other kinds of chocolate. You can see the chocolate paste coming out of the hopper at the molina. Drinking chocolate is part chocolate, part cinnamon, and almonds ground together.

The most common brand, Mayordomo, is a chain. I have seen two or three around town. You can smell them from far smells lovely.

There are a lot of tiny bakeries that make sweet breads and cookies and cakes and flans and gelatin desserts...postres.

Almost every street has a bakery.

And almost every street has a little paper goods store, with notebooks and pens. And tiny tiny groceries or miscelaneas - stores that sell miscellaneous, of course! Kind of like 7-11, but they will sell toys or fresh fruit or hair accessories.


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